WEC / IMSA Hypercars - I have been a Formula 1 fan for decades and still watch it. I also watch other motor sports, like IndyCar and NASCAR and sometime rally or Formula E. I have also watched WEC and IMSA for years and I really enjoy just having a 24 hour race on in the house like a radio and watch a bit over... [Read More...]
Racing horror crashes - So, once in a while you come accros a post on social media that talk about so called horror crashes in racing. Usualy those are no horror crashed to me by far. Sure there are some bad ones and if people die then they obviously are horror crashes or just freak accidents. But in the case of a crash where... [Read More...]
SpaceX starschip SN8 successful test - Looking at the news here in Holland (nu.nl, nos.nl and even jeugdjournaal on TV) and in the world (CNN for example) they all seem to focus on the failed landing of the Starship SN8 yesterday. I understand why that is because a rocket that blows up make for a good headline, but it was just a very small part of... [Read More...]
Bahrain, 29-11-2020 - Ik weet niet of het komt omdat je als je inmiddels 40 jaar oud bent je meer over zaken gaat nadenken of dat het gewoon zo’n dag was, maar ik heb gisteren ongeveer 3 kwartier met rillingen over mijn rug voor de TV gezeten. Ik kijk al zo’n 25 jaar Formule 1 en andere autosport en heb in die tijd... [Read More...]
Formula 1 2017, now this is going to be interesting - Old and new drivers Even though the wait between seasons has been a lot shorter then it was not that long ago I still can’t wait for the new Formula 1 season so start. We have our Max Verstappen in the Red Bull for a full season for the first time, so he should end up higher in the ranking... [Read More...]
Hunted: How to escape the law - A while back there was a TV program in Holland called ‘Hunted’ where teams of 2 people had to evade a team of multiple people acting as the police in Holland (will be called ‘police’ after this). This team had the same tools at their disposal as the Dutch police has, at least that is what we were told. The... [Read More...]
Verstappen’s wet weather masterclass - Verstappen’s wet weather masterclass – one of the greatest ever? Dat is dus de kop op www.formule1.com Zeker niet alleen wij met onze oranje bril zien dus dat dit mannetje heeeeel erg goed is. Als Adrian Newey het voor elkaar krijgt een goede auto neer te zetten volgend jaar word het een goed jaar voor ons Nederlanders, maar ook voor... [Read More...]
Maarten Memorial Maarten Memorial 2016 at Ahoy Rotterdam - I have been reading about the Maarten Memorial event for years now and have seen pictures of all the cars that are there during the event, but as it is usually on a weekday it wasn’t really possible to go and have a look, even when it is basically around the corner from where I live. This event is held each... [Read More...]
Working with Mediawiki - I have been working on wiki’s for a number of years already, not the wikipedia one as they have way to strict rules if you ask me and everything I added  on there was almost immediately removed again, so not going to edit anything on there anymore. Instead I have been working on a wiki for a videogame I play(ed)... [Read More...]
The Engineers Guide to Drinks – Continued - After my last post about The Engineers Guide to Drinks I got lots of nice reactions, tips and suggestions. The coolest thing was Shaan Hurley making a blog post about the project on his Between the Lines blog. Meanwhile I have done a bit more work on the first glass as well. One thing I wanted to do is be able to tag... [Read More...]
The Engineers Guide to Drinks – Revit edition - Most of us will have the need for a nice drink after a hard week at the office once in a while and some of us will choose to make ourselves a cocktail, or go out and have somebody make one for us. This cocktail will give us some relaxation, but it can also spark our engineering brain. How is this... [Read More...]
A world without these people - Sometimes, when a famous person dies you think about what that person meant to you and what they did for you and the world in their lifetime. When a famous person dies too soon you think about what they would have done for the world in the remainder of their lifetime had it gone on for another 20 – 40... [Read More...]
Iedereen verstand van Formule 1? - Jan Lammers plaatste dit bericht op Facebook over een uitzending van Voetbal Inside en het zogenaamde verstand van Formule 1: LINK Het gaat in het kort over dat de mannen van VI zonder enige kennis van Formule 1 het alleen maar afzeiken en doen alsof ze er verstand van hebben. Hoewel ik wel het een en ander weet over Formule... [Read More...]
Dive into the Dark Web - When browsing the web and watching the news these days you hear a lot about the so called Dark Web and the Tor network. This is a part of the internet (the largest part people say) that is hidden from the general public unless you have a special browser and know your way around. You are supposed to be able... [Read More...]
Formula 1 Qualifying 2016 - The 2016 season of Formula 1 is in it’s second race weekend and there is some discussion about the way the qualifying is going. With the first race in Australia the Q1 and Q2 were OK to watch as there were a lot of cars on track to begin with, but Q3 was done with 7 minutes still on the... [Read More...]
Formula 1 logo Formule 1 2016 – preview - Het is elk jaar weer een gat waar je in valt zo rond november en de vraag is, wat ga je dan doen met je vrije zondag, maar gelukkig weet je dat het in maart weer begint. Uiteraard heb ik het over de Formule 1 en hoewel er zeker minder jaren tussen zaten volg ik het toch al dik een... [Read More...]
Phases in Revit a short explanation - There was a question on www.revitforum.org about phases in revit and if I could make a small explanation with some images, so here it is. Making the phases On the Manage Panel you will find the Phases button, once clicked you get a screen where you can make the phases you need. In the case from the question that will be... [Read More...]
New York City – Downtown - Not long ago me and all of my colleagues went on a trip to New York City. We were asked to pick a part of the city and find out nice locations to visit. When traveling by myself I usually dont make a big day to day plan, but I do try and find things I want to see before... [Read More...]
When are skills actually skills? - I realize that this is a weird question but let me explain. The skills I’m talking about are the skills people say they have on LinkedIn. I have a couple of skills listed on there and got endorsed by some people for those skills. Stuff like English (judging by this article that is a skill I really have) and AutoCAD,... [Read More...]
Justin Wilson dies of head injury - Racing has become a lot safer over the years and while accidents do happen, the drivers usually walk away with minor injuries or are taken to the hospital and end up with injuries that are none life threatening. There are however times when it seems that racing is not as safe as it actually is and 2015 seems to be... [Read More...]
Jules Bianchi - Een jonge, bij de niet Formule 1 kijkers, onbekende Franse coureur van een klein team die vanwege een bizar ongeluk met een takelwagen na 9 maanden helaas toch is overleden. Tijdens de race in Japan verloor hij de macht over zijn auto en botste tegen de takelwagen aan die op dat moment een andere auto uit de grindbak aan het... [Read More...]
Formula 1 logo Changes to Formula 1 in my opinion - Recently I watched a few Formula 1 race from 1995 (20 years ago) and those were a lot more fun to watch then there 2015 races I have seen so far and with the discussion the last few months about the future of Formula 1 I thought I might add my 2 cents about why the 1995 races were a... [Read More...]
Grand prix of China 2015, my short evaluation - Was an early morning again today (for a Sunday) as the grand prix race in China started at 8am for me. So had my breakfast ready and watched a nice race. Wasn’t to spectacular and as expected the 2 Mercedes boys were the top 2. Vettel 3th and Räikkönen was 4th, so again a Mercedes vs. Ferrari race. Young Max Verstappen did... [Read More...]
My view on the 2014 formula 1 season -   Well 2014 is over, when it comes to Formula 1 and it was not a real exciting one when it comes to the championships for both drivers and constructors. Pretty soon it was clear that Mercedes were going to be the champions and with almost double the amount of points as the runner up is was not a surprise... [Read More...]
What can you learn from video games? - Like many people my age I started playing video games at a young age. I remember my first computer being an MSX, which had a cassette tape drive and a slot for a game cartridge of which a friend of mine had 1. These were all simple game compared to today’s standards. Slowly the computers got better and games got... [Read More...]

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